

—  “The SPEAR System combines the old brain’s most important function, to survive, with the new brain’s intelligence, to think and decide, we have reawakened a non-perishable personal defense counter-measure that can make every human being safer, sooner.



  1. The SPEAR System is based on an 80,000 year old genetic survival response that helped keep our ancestors alive. 
  2. Your reptilian brain wants you to survive.
  3. Its initial response to danger is to protect your head and push you away from danger. 
  4. “Danger” is detected via the limbic system. This triggers an instinctive survival response called the 'startle-flinch' response.
  5. This survival reflex is hard-wired in you.
  6. When it is triggered, it bypasses cognition. This is neurophysiology.  
  7. This explains why no one looks cool in a real fight and why you almost never see technical martial arts being used in real violent encounters. 
  8. The SPEAR System harnesses this energy, then exploits the energy by converting it into a focused counter-measure. This is kinetics & physics. 
  9. This movement is protective by nature and tactical by design and its all organic, your body-mind produces this.
  10. The SPEAR System combines the fastest human response (the startle-flinch) with the strongest natural human kinetic movement (the cross-extensor reflex), making the SPEAR a simple to learn, extremely effective method of personal defense regardless of gender, age, or size.

Speed & Reliability

The SPEAR SYSTEM utilizes the speed and reliability of the startle-flinch mechanism to convert the sudden attack into a tactical counter.It is a bridge between the reactive brain and the cognitive brain.

This improves reaction time during a confrontation.

Instinctive Survival

“The SPEAR System combines the old brain’s most important function, to survive, with the new brain’s intelligence, to think and decide, we have reawakened a non-perishable personal defense counter-measure that can make every human being safer, sooner.”

We have reawakened a non-perishable personal defense system that can make every human being safer, sooner.
— Tony Blauer

Having attended over 104 contact hours of Tony Blauer’s courses and studied an additional 200 + hours of seminar and DVD videos, it is my professional opinion that Mr. Blauer’s combatives system possesses the requisite scientific applications in research that make his system “scientific”. The S.P.E.A.R. System is a “total combatives system” that is intrinsically inclined—based upon kinesiology, physiology, neurobiology, and other, natural sciences. Because it considers the application of intrinsic kinesic actions (flinch conversion) from a basic, human response to sudden and close movement (a flinch), the system is considered by Mr. Blauer as “behaviorally inspired—genetically wired”.

In addition to being based on science, as described above, the S.P.E.A.R. System, in its totality, is a system created by valid, scientific processes from natural observations, correlations, and experiments garnered within the process of the scientific method. Through experimental tests, Mr. Blauer’s hypothesis has been accepted as a valid description of nature, as the predictions agree with experimental results.”
— — Brian A. Kinnaird, Ph.D. Chair and Professor Department of Criminal Justice Bethany College

“Danger” is detected via the limbic system and triggers this survival response. At this level it bypasses cognition. The SPEAR System harnesses this energy, exploits the movement and converts this instinctive response into a focused counter-measure. This movement is protective by nature and tactical by design.”

How We Train the Brain: the Science of Self-Defense

In the event of a true surprise attack, the reptilian brain will pick up danger especially if the reticular cortex has been switched on and now the neocortex, which has been trained torespond and integrate the primal gross motor response converts the signals into protectivemovement. This researched process is made up of brain science, a deep respect for human behavior, psychology, physiology, physics, kinesiology and it makes all participants safer sooner.

By replicating realistic scenarios, we train the anticipatory cells in the brain. This improves both perception speed and decreases reaction time. You’re safer and faster because the neocortex can now predict and adjust more quickly as it identifies pre-contact cues stored from intelligent simulation training.

We get results faster. Retention of concepts is almost 100%. Sustainment is minimal. Our methodology is congruent with current neuroscience and the ‘interleaving’ theory, a process that divides memory into chunks for faster processing. This approach works the specific neurons and enhances myelin development because we have designed unique formula to reverse-engineer scenario training. The SPEAR System can be learned quickly and requires almost no sustainment training once the end-user understands the system.

We empower every participant on our courses by using evidence-based drills to help develop the primal neural anatomy of every personal training regardless of experience or gender. 

